Dating: 16th century (1509).
Description: Chapel of small proportions. In the chancel are kept some ex-votes of wood with polychrome.
State of conservation: good.
Location: Grijó de Parada, Bragança
Source: Património dos Concelhos da Terra Fria Concelho de Bragança VOLUME II
Date: Modern Age (the primitive church would be of century XV).
Description: the facade is coated with modern tiles. The vestibule is decorated with sheled form, which opens to a grand window. The interior altars are of polychromatic woodwork.
State of consertation: good
Legends and Traditions: the pilgrimage Senhor de Cabeça Boa occurs in the 1st Sunday of May. Certain day, a Portuguese emigrant in Brazil was lost at sea and asked for the aid the Saint Christ, promising to build a temple to it if he was saved. Thus the chapel of Saint Christ was born, where the arrival of the Christianity to lands of Vera Cruz is celebrated. Other story says that in the darkest night, the lamp suspended in the chapel is sighted in the distant mountain ranges.
Location: Samil, Bragança
Source: Património dos Concelhos da Terra Fria Concelho de Bragança VOLUME II
Date: Built in the 16th century.
Description: On the back of the altar, in carving and painting, are frescos in an area of 3.80m x 2m. In the central part of this composition is represented the “Coronation of the Virgin”, the right side appears “The Annunciation” scene and the left side emerging figures of “Santa Ana and São Joaquim” These three scenes are defined by architectural elements.
State of conservation: Very good.
Date: 19th century (around 1804, most likely).
Description: facade in blue and white tiles, flanked by two vessels, crowned by a pediment. On the second disc, featuring two urns on the corners and a Latin cross on a socket at the top.
State of conservation: very good.
Legends and traditions: on the façade there is a niche where devotees turn on the candles, symbol of his promises.
Source: Património dos Concelhos da Terra Fria Concelho de Bragança VOLUME I
Date: 18th century.
Description: a small chapel in ground and a set of granite steps. The façade comes in Baroque monumental granite shield. The space inside is covered with a dome whose closure is the coat of arms of the family of Figueiredo. Outside, near the entrance, there is a tomb of granite of the founder of this religious space, buried here in 2nd of February 1713.
State of conservation: good.
Source: Património dos Concelhos da Terra Fria Concelho de Bragança VOLUME I
Dating: apparently medieval, was reconstructed in the 90’s (20th century)
Description: Small chapel with vestibule in arc, topped by a tower bell without bell. The interior ship is separate from the mail chapel by a cruise. Before its reconstruction the chapel was abandoned and used as shelter for the animals.
Dating: Modern age
Description: Chapel with walls covered with fresh paintings that represent scenes of the Passion of Christ, such as the last Supper, the Calvary and the Crucifixion.
State of conservation: very good
Description: Chapel in ruins which the only remains are the walls and the main chapel. Nearby the visitors can find the two places excavated in the rock.
Dating: 17th century Chapel remodeled in the 18th century
Description: Baroque church consisting of a single ship and rectangular chapel and sacristy. The main façade, of granite, was projected by Damião Bustamante. The main chapel was paved with granite, a presbytery of three steps and a altarpiece with a panel that represents the “Invention of the Santa Cruz”, by Damião Bustamante.
State of Conservation: Very good