
Pelourinho de Rebordãos.jpg
41.740326, -6.82777

Date: 12th /14th centuries.

Valuation: PII (Decreto N º 23 122, DG 231, 11 de outubro de 1933).

Description: rustic cherry formed by a granite base that supports a column of crude octagonal shaft decorated, average height, half of the spheres – and crowned by a cubic capital, with margins cut by partially concave punches. The whole is surmounted by a sphere.

State of conservation: bad.

Source: Património dos Concelhos da Terra Fria Concelho de Bragança VOLUME I


Igreja da Sé.jpg

Date: the date – 1689 is a cartridge that is inscribed on the pedestal with the symbol of the religious order of the Jesuits.

Description: The cruise consists of a Solomonic column, crowned by a cross with floral decoration, dated 1689. In the trunk is of Baroque ornamentation. Above emerges a combination of capital and a cross on top.

State of conservation: good.

Source: Património dos Concelhos da Terra Fria Concelho de Bragança VOLUME I


Date: Medieval.

Valuation: National Monument

Description: The pillory has a polygonal base, three steps, where it rests a Zoomorphic figure, on whose back rises a smooth cylindrical column, with around 6.40 meters high, crowned by a capital, decorated with gargoyles representing geometrical, zoomorphic and plant ornamentations.

State of conservation: good

Legends and traditions: in the surroundings of the West side of the Castle, since the 15th century there was the parish church of Santiago, which was destroyed in the 17th century. Instead of this temple was placed the pillory of stone, which was located in front of the House of Representatives until 1860.

Source: Património dos Concelhos da Terra Fria Concelho de Bragança VOLUME I


Cruzeiro Malhadas (1).JPG
41.543213, -6.3263716

Date: medieval
Description: “Classified as medieval, a chronological precision is difficult, given the absence of the sculpture parts that would supply safer data, over all in what respects to the figure of Christ” (ROSAS, 2000). The structure of the stone cross is very simple, limiting itself practically to the essential. In the lateral faces exist two figures, of difficult interpretation but presumably, in accordance with Ernesto Jana, one of them seem to represent a bull, which opens new perspectives regarding the possible representation of the Evangelistas, never concluded, or continued in the superior parts, however lost. The stone cross is one of the few workmanships of the type in the province of Trás-os-Montes that had been object of classification as national heritage.
State of conservation: Reasonable
Classification: Classified as Property of Public Interest (IIP – Imóvel de Interesse Público)

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