Description: This is a unique space designed to protect and promote a secular tradition. The old headquarters of the town council was reclassified to lodge a museum in the ground floor, whereas first stage has a conference hall, where the visitors can see a video on the pauliteiros – group of men who perform a traditional dance, using sticks to the sound of bag pipes.
Description: A privileged space for the accomplishment of shows and exhibitions.
Description: The “House of the Culture” of Vimioso has an auditorium, a cinema and a exhibition room. The building is of great historic and arquitectural value.
Description: Space prepared for the development of different activities such as sports, seminars, congresses and fairs. It is annually celebrated here the Fair of Art, Crafts and Flavors of Vimioso, very emblematic in the region.
Description: The building is equipped with conditions for the investigation of the diverse document collections of the municipality.
Description: Located in center of Vinhais, the area receives every year a series of activities organized by the city council, the most emblematic are the Fair of the Fumeiro (traditional sausages) and the fair Rural Castanea – dedicated to the commerce of chestnuts, both highly valued product of the region.
Description: The Bullring of Vinhais is a recent space that receives every year the most emblematic national bullfighters. It is the only bullring of the region.
Description: The greatest chestnuts grill in the world is in the Guinness book of the Records and is exposed in on one of the towns avenues.
Description: Old manor of the Teixeira family. It is a building of 17th century that shows the shield of the Teixeiras. That same blazon is on the facade of the S. Bento Church. In this building works the Foundation called “Our Books”, this library is opened since 1996.
Library: The book collection is property of the Foundation “OUR BOOKS” and provides the reader the opportunity to obtain historical, political, sociological, economic, legal and historical cultural data about the region and the country.
Description: Spanish-Portuguese foundation dedicated to King Afonso Henriques is a private institution with public investment, formed on the 7th of February of 1994. The sponsorship is the supreme organ of the Foundation, the administration is made up of individuals and groups formed by governmental companies, associations, agencies, universities and regional and national institutions of Spain and Portugal.