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Description: It is not known when built or what monarch was responsible for its location but some authors argue that it was the King D. Dinis. Because of its border location, the castle had great military significance, because the territory has always been desirable by neighbouring monarchs.

Evaluation: Valued as property in the public interest, Dec. N ° 36383 DG 147, 28 June 1947.

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Date: 15th century.

Valuation: National Monument

Description: This defensive system consists of the walls, the Castle, which includes the Torre de Menagem, the PrincessTower, and the Fountain of the King. The wall has a circumference of 600 meters, has 15 towers, is interrupted by the door of the Vila or door of Santo Antonio, and opposite the Porta do Sol (door of the sun) and the Porta da Traição (door of betrayal).

State of conservation: Very good

Source: Património dos Concelhos da Terra Fria Concelho de Bragança VOLUME I

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Date: Medieval.

Description: The Torre da Princesa is a rectangular structure, attached to the castle wall on the north side, what remains of the Palace of the mayor or Governor of the square.

State of conservation: good

Legends and traditions: this tower is the subject of many legends; all have in common the central character, the Princess, and the plot, a forbidden love. One told by Julio Gil, says that this tower was the prison of a Moorish Princess (…) ‘ to prevent and punish her love with a christian, as she continues to repudiate the groom imposed by his father, she was handed over to the executioner’.

Source: Património dos Concelhos da Terra Fria Concelho de Bragança VOLUME I

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Date: 15th century (1409-1449).

Description: The Torre de Menagem is a Gothic building. Quadrangular with three floors and has 33 meters high and 17 wide. The first floor of the tower is accessed through a vertical entrance hall. Here you can find the Military Museum of Bragança, where artillery pieces can be found. The collection of the Museum, which is quite representative of the evolution of small arms from the 16th century until the beginning of the 20th century, is divided between the three floors of the tower.

State of conservation: good

Source: Património dos Concelhos da Terra Fria Concelho de Bragança VOLUME I

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Dating: medieval castle from the 14th/15th century. First referenced in the year 1172.
Description: this well constructed castle was used to resist the successive Castilian attacks, in the reign of D. Fernando. During the War of the Restoration the castle was severely damaged and in the year 1644 King João IV, ordered to rebuild the walls, adapting it for artillery, but still it resisted with difficulty to the Spanish attacks. In 1762, during the War of the Seven Years, the castle was surrounded by the Spanish army who decimating great part of the garrison and ruining the castle.
This fortification was classified as of public interest. Part of the wall raised in 17th century still remains, surrounding the old nucleus of the city and the Main Tower. Nearby is the cathedral of Miranda.
Classification: Listed as property of public interest (Dec. nº. 40361 of 20-10-1955).
State of Conservation: Reasonable

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41.461471, -6.579351

Description: From the castle of Algoso the view is magnificent. This national monument of public interest built with a military purpose served as defence against danger coming from Spain, more specifically from the kingdom of Leon.

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