Description: This is a unique space designed to protect and promote a secular tradition. The old headquarters of the town council was reclassified to lodge a museum in the ground floor, whereas first stage has a conference hall, where the visitors can see a video on the pauliteiros – group of men who perform a traditional dance, using sticks to the sound of bag pipes.
Description: A privileged space for the accomplishment of shows and exhibitions.
Description: The “House of the Culture” of Vimioso has an auditorium, a cinema and a exhibition room. The building is of great historic and arquitectural value.
Description: In 1942 the building was acquired by the municipality of Bragança witch installed its services there in 1982. Improved later on as a “Cultural Center” today, after the opening of the new Cultural Center, this building serves as an auditorium, who serves the Municipal Assembly and in the Municipal archive.
Description: The building, constructed in 1562 by nuns, always had educative purposes. There they founded a prestigious Jesuit school. With the expulsion of the Order in 1759 a seminary was settled in there in 1766 and from 1853 to 1968 the National School. From 1968 to 1995 the Preparatory School Augusto Moreno was instaled. Renewed in 2004 by the City council of Bragança it was once more transformed in the Municipal Library, Library Adriano Moreira, Academy of Letters of Trás-os-Montes and Conservatory of Music.
Description: The Municipal Theater of Bragança is the main theater of the region. The building was inaugurated in 2004. The structure was designed by Portuguese architect Filipe Oliveira Dias in 2001. It is part of the national network of theaters.
Description: Have you ever thought about the environmental impact that ower actions have on the planet – the transport we use, the election of the products that we buy in the supermarket, the habits of using energy at home and at work? In center of Science of Bragança the visitor can discover how the world of energy and environment are an unavoidable presence in our daily lives. It has a cafeteria and free internet