Date: Neolithic, Chalcolithic and bronze age.
The location of the Dine Lorga, the Outeiro de Castro and the medieval necropolis, had occupation from the Chalcolithic to the present day.
Rating: PII Desp. March 1975, Decree N ° 67/97 official journal N ° 301, of 31 December 1997.
Description: In Dine, Cova de Lua and Santo Adrião, there are formations of dolomite and limestone, which are observed phenomena “karstic” of small amplitude. These caves are a valuable natural and cultural heritage, since they often remain within archaeological finds indicating their use as habitat or its use as a tomb.
Location: Dine, Vinhais
Source: O Património dos Concelhos de Trás-os-Montes: Concelho de Vinhais VOLUME I
Description: Moimenta had a great ability to both grind grain in winter (six mills in Ribeira d’Anta) as in summer (three mills on the TuelaRiver). Of these nine Mills, one in Ribeira de Anta is still in reasonable condition, and three others were recovered in 2000.
Description: on the outside of the Dine Lorga, South of the entrance, are the remains of lime furnace, which have been used until recently.
State of conservation: good.
Description: City Hall House and old jail are located in the MedievalVillage, which is attached to the Church of Nossa Senhora da Assunção. It is a simple, rustic architecture, and which housed the Town Hall and the Municipal jail. The building was restored by the municipality which there set up the House of the music of Vinhais.
Description: Of medieval origins, it dates back to the 15th century. The puppies that adorn its windows remember the 15th and 16th centuries and its wild naturalism.
Date: Pre-historic
Description: In Picot a berrão (proto-historic statues of stone, carved in full relief with zoomorphic figures) was found in 1952 in an area where archeological findings of an ancient sanctuary linked to fertility rituals until the 4th century. This zoomorphic sculpture is placed in the Church´s plaza.
State of Conservation: Good