
castroaldeianova 1.jpg
41.5393786, -6.2221785

Date: Early Iron Age (12th century B.C.)
Description: Castro (name given to a Roman or pre-roman castle) of the villages of Aldeia Nova and S. João das Arribas is one of the first examples of the Iron Age, later Romanized, probably kept till the Middle Age. To the east is the River Douro.
Classification: National Monument. Decreto de 16-06-1910, DG n.º 136, de 23-06-1910

abrigo da solhapa (2).jpg
41.4576444, -6.3388868

Dating: End of the Paleolithic period

Description: Set of prehistoric shelters with remnants of rock art. About 3 km the South-East of the village, has some series sculpt in the exterior and in the interior. Anthropomorphous figures, some serpent forms, one specific set seems to represent childbirth.

Classification: Property of public interest, Dec. nº 28/82, DR 47 de 26 Fevereiro 1982.

State of Conservation: good

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