Date: the primitive church would be medieval, possibly of the 13th or 14th century, of which only the Romanesque vestibule is conserved.
Description: the rugged-looking and quite narrow facade had a porch. It has a perfect back arch portal with three archivolts. The BellTower, built of plastered masonry, will be the result of an 18th-century addition. The lateral portal, located on the side of the Epistle, has a triangular pediment which houses an image of the Patron Saint, St. Mary Magdalene and features an inscription. The interior of one ship, the soil is coated the granite slabs and decoration boils down to two altarpieces of carved Baroque that flank the transept and a pulpit, platform and granite staircase.
State of Conservation: good
Legends and traditions: in Grijó de Parada there is a hill called ModorraTower, where they took the stones for the reconstruction of the Church. It is possibly a castro or a defensive stronghold.
Source: Património dos Concelhos da Terra Fria Concelho de Bragança VOLUME II